NFLPA And NFL Want Quick Resolution To Brady’s Case

NFL Football Lawsuit

For those that do not live under a rock should already be familiar with Deflategate and Tom Brady’s football suspension being upheld. However, it would seem that neither the Patriots, Tom Brady, nor the NFLPA are willing to let that suspension stand, as they have more than a few motives as to get it withdrawn.

The NFLPA, better known as the union established to preserve and defend the rights of the NFL players, is taking lead as they have filed a lawsuit against the League and are going to court to try and get the suspension revoked. The reasons are simple, there is no concrete evidence against Brady; any evidence presented has been circumstantial.

Commissioner Roger Goodell made his decision based off of the issue that Brady had destroyed a mobile phone, which could have had a video of the incident with the deflated balls, however, there is no way to prove that. Despite this, Goodell still stood behind his decision of suspending the star QB for 4 games.

The NFLPA is trying get the decision overturned before the 2015 season starts, so Brady can start playing. They have it scheduled out to get a verdict just in time:

  • Aug. 7: NFLPA and NFL cross move to vacate and confirm the suspension
  • Aug. 14: Both parties file “respective papers” in support of those motions
  • The parties schedule a date for oral arguments that would “enable a decision to be rendered by Sept. 4, when Brady’s team must prepare for its first regular season game.”

Let’s hope the upcoming football season proves to be a good one, and isn’t dampened by the loss or gain of one player. Although, it would be a shame to have Brady miss out of four crucial games, especially the first one against the Steelers.

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